





关于伊尔迪兹因伤被换下: Mota透露他的内收肌感觉紧张,他不想冒险,但希望不会很严重,会进一步评估其身体状况。


弗拉霍维奇及小孔塞桑的恢复情况: Mota说:“弗拉霍维奇状态很好,他短暂登場就帮助到了球队;而小孔塞桑正在逐步康复,希望能在下一役回归阵容。”

(姆班古拉首开纪录): Mota赞扬道:“他今天发挥极佳,再次强调,关键不是出場时间,而是比赛质量。他展现出了重要品质,为球队打入进球,我们要对此表示感谢。” < p >< strong > 关于本场积极主动 的 表现 :< / strong > “ 我们比 对 手多 进 两个 球。在 很 多 比赛 中 ,我 们 曾 占 据 优势但 最终 没 能 赢 得 胜 利 。 今天 的 确 是 在 把握机会 上做得 更 好 ” . < / p > < p >< strong > 此 次 胜利 的 意义 有 多 大? :< / strong >“这是 三 分 非 常 重 要,因为 面对 一 支 强大的 队伍 和 一个 富有经验 教练。 获胜 会 带来 热情 , 必须 正确 看待,下周二将迎 来 新 战斗,要保持竞争 力”.

Youve been to Juventus's home atmosphere:"I saw the atmosphere in the stadium was great, with fans supporting players and giving us extra motivation. It's normal for a team like ours to win here; I love this environment where fans are very positive, encouraging our players again. We’re growing together; sometimes we don’t achieve the desired results, but today we did it. Thanks to our supporters for their positive influence on our squad."

Your comments about Juventus becoming Motta’s team?"Juventus is evolving and progressing—there's only one way toward victory: hard work! Everyone at the club is putting in effort. We've faced difficulties but must surpass ourselves daily both defensively and offensively as demonstrated today.” "Today we performed well defensively as a cohesive unit while also excelling offensively throughout all 95 minutes." "Pivotal victories such as these matter significantly when competing for Champions League qualification against formidable opponents like Milan.” “We were aware of facing an experienced coach leading a powerful side—we aimed high—and succeeded!” "It always feels good winning—it generates additional excitement within teams or externally alike." "We should celebrate today's success!" "And finally regarding your coaching tenure thus far - "Did you think this performance matched any before?" Mottas said,"We played better than many other matches previously too—thrilled indeed—but let’s focus now towards next match ahead!"