01月09日讯 在今日CCTV5播出的《足球之夜》节目中,武磊接受了专访,他谈到了自己的伤病情况以及对2024年的展望。
"我非常感激我的家人,他们之间达成了一种默契,在家庭环境中不会提及外界压力。他们一直保护和关心我,让我可以更好地调整心态。在职业生涯中,总会遇到质疑,包括表现不佳的时候,但现在我们都渐渐习惯了这种局面。" 武磊说道。
回应批评声音 strong > p >
< p > " 对于这些声音,我能淡然应对,因为多年来已经明白其中缘由。球迷也经历许多不易,今年获得两个冠军,是给他们最好的回报。" 他补充道。 p >
< p >< strong > 关于18强赛形势 strong > p >
< p > “从当前形势来看,每支球队都有希望,小组中的日本队略显突出,其余球队积分上也具备竞争力。从每位球员角度出发,参加世界杯是所有球员梦寐以求之事。”他说道。 P >
< п >< strong > 是否期待国足第100场比赛? Strong > П >
{"当然,非常清楚前6场后的形势,对于很多年轻球员来说,这是第一次参与这样的赛事,现在大家心理更加踏实,从心态上有所改善。国家队需要的是全体优秀选手共同贡献,而不仅仅依靠一两名明星选手."} {“如果算作个人生涯的一季成功,那么这确实难忘,与崇明那一届一起夺冠,对他们而言可能已实现梦想。而唯一缺少的是超级杯冠军,当时因为赴西班牙而未能参赛。这么大的年龄段还能与儿时伙伴并肩作战、捧得奖杯,这真是一件珍贵无比的事”}. {“现阶段徐根宝指导更多时候像亲人在生活方面给予照顾,不再单纯讨论技战术”}. {“至于我的膝盖问题,目前首要任务还是将其修复,自去年下半年起便受到较大影响,很少有人了解自身身体状况。目前正在阿布扎比集训,希望观察恢复进程”}.
Tackling Knee Injuries: b;
"I can only maintain it as best as possible without allowing further deterioration. That's the ideal state at this age; surgery recovery takes time, and my knee has issues beyond just meniscus damage—there's cartilage concern too, so even with surgery there's no guarantee it'll be fully healed.";
Making Decisions on Pain Relief: b;
"It was tough because both club and national team have their duties; one represents personal dreams—it might be last opportunity—and our club had positive momentum while Shanghai Shenhua put pressure on us. Hence, such decisions were made accordingly."< /b>;
Suffering from Injury since November:< B>  ;
“I’ve been undergoing rehabilitation training since June thanks to support from medical staff at the club.. I've battled through matches despite injuries & by Nov., swelling worsened alongside cartilage wear.”
"To fans," he expressed gratitude stating,“Thanks immensely for your unwavering support over these years! Many new fans emerged during my stint in Spain—even when faced with online criticism they stood firmly behind me!”
& nbsp ;
On December 6th ,Shanghai Port officially announced via an injury report regarding Wu Lei’s condition confirming diagnosis of right lateral meniscus tear after examination conducted throughout November . He received conservative treatment injections starting Dec1st before returning home where he'll rest under observation period lasting around two or three weeks.