1月3日讯 NBA常规赛,勇士队在主场以139-105战胜76人。赛后,库里接受了记者的采访,我们为大家整理了他的完整发言。







问:(关于) 三分球8投全中的难度是什么?


* 库里:*   这确实比较少见。如我所言,上半场只有四次尝试。他们采取的是逼迫内线防守,不断换防。不过,我们成功转移篮球,总能找到机会,只需耐心等待。如果可以再加把劲的话,如果德雷蒙德提醒我的话,也许会考虑冲击一下纪录,再努力扔个九个出去!

问 :   ; 今晚显然对方想限制你的发挥,但随着其他队友开始稳定进攻 , 比赛节奏发生怎样变化 ?

< Strong > 库里 : 当 队友 开始 命 中 投 篮 时 , 场 上 的 空间 被 打开 , 对 手 就必须更多 地 顾及其他选择 。 我们42 次 助 攻说明 球 转 移 和组织 非常 出色 . 我的 表现 映射 全 队 状态, 大家 都 很 有信心.这种风格 真 是美好的篮球艺术, 每个人 在 场上的角色 明 确, 我们要 保持这样的状态.

< STRONG > 问: 德雷蒙德 本季表现在 您眼里的评价 ?< /STRONG>

< STRONG > 库里:  ; 从 去年 下 半 段 到如今,&nbps;经历了一些低谷 p;但他依旧 专 注 于 篮 球. 他从去年起就做出了承诺 并坚 持下去.& nbspt;& nbsp;虽然 某些比賽 数据 不一定 好看 ,  his defensive efforts and leadership are very prominent. He is always willing to take on challenges with physicality. His performance has been crucial for our victories and when he contributes offensively too it’s a huge boost!

< STARON G Q :Tonight's game rhythm and speed were important? How did you maintain the pace throughout the match?

Curry: In the last game against the Cavaliers we had good tempo in first half but once shots weren’t falling emotions dipped which affected both defense and offense flow tonight hard work paid off everyone shot well this contagious state was discussed during play execution of plan went smoothly. < p<>本季度初期轮换阵容不断变动,现在似乎缩减至9人轮换,对球队帮助大吗? Curry: The management of players during season indeed poses challenges especially without wins consistency becomes key knowing playing time roles helps find rhythms recent adjustments have aided us though injuries persist clearer rotations foster chemistry building.
Q:You mentioned that there was a viewer aged 101 who claimed to be your lucky charm! Did you interact with her? Curry:I’m grateful for her support she’s over hundred still diehard fan I shook hands took photos since then haven’t missed any shots (laughs). Q : About Draymond ' s performance at center position what differences do you see when paired up with Jonathan or TJD ? < / B > Curry:When Draymond plays five we adjust tactics based on situation emphasizing speed sacrificing some height allowing him create space while maintaining ball movement clarity needed around offensive intent otherwise chaos ensues recently improved across combinations continuously adjusting finding best gameplay approaches.