
  1. 巴黎奥运会,中国体育代表团以40金27银24铜创下境外参赛最佳成绩。


  2. 中国残疾人体育代表团在连续六届残奥会中夺得金牌榜和奖牌榜“双第一”。


  3. 郑钦文成功摘取东京奥运金牌,标志着中国网球运动蓬勃发展,多点开花。

  4. 潘展乐在男子100米自由泳项目上,一年内两度刷新世界纪录,实力惊艳四方。


  5. 第十四届冬季运动会吸引了30个代表队参与,为中国冰雪运动的发展注入新的活力。

  6. 中华民族同心筑梦,第十二届全国少数民族传统体育运动会圆满举行,展示了丰富多彩的文化特色。

  7. <п>The first National Youth Three Major Ball Games were held, showcasing a diversified trend in talent development..
  8. <پ>The fierce competition at the Thomas and Uber Cups took place in Chengdu, where the Chinese badminton team claimed double crowns after 12 years. < li > < p > In Busan World Table Tennis Championships , China’s men’s team achieved an impressive eleven consecutive championships while women’s team secured six titles. < / li > < li > < p > “China Red” lights up streets of Bagu Street as CCTV continues to set new records for Olympic broadcasts. < / li >