(原文发表于12月26日,作者为露天看台的Andy Bailey,文章内容不代表译者观点)
热火得到: 独行侠得到: < p > 独 行 侠 没 有 理 由 像 勇 士 那 样 铤 而走险 , 因 为 他们 刚刚 凭 借现有 阵 容 的 大 部 分 球 员 打进 NBA 总 决赛 。 如果 得 到 巴 特 勒 , 将 意味着 放 弃 上 个 季 度 收购 的 PJ - 华 盛 顿 和 丹 尼 尔 - 加 福 德 。 虽 然 当前 看 来 , 巴 特 劳 可以 成 为 推 动 独 行 侠 向 更高 水平 发 展 所 必需 的 短期 升级 . P > < H4 >休斯敦 火箭< /H4 > < P >< Strong > 热水 得到 : < strong <> 火 箭 获得 : 吉 米 • 巴 提 拉/强 >
If the Rockets really want to acquire Butler, their potential highest offer would be hard to beat. The team has a wealth of draft assets and several intriguing young talents, although they are unlikely to part with defensive standout Amen Thompson.
>The Heat could receive Michael Porter Jr., Zeke Nnaji, Dario Saric along with first-round swap rights in '26,'28 and'30 if this trade goes through.
The Nuggets will get Jimmy Butler as well as Pelé LaSon.
However, just like Dallas Mavericks does not need risky trades either; it’s likely that Denver wouldn’t have any reason for such actions since MPJ is one of few high-volume three-point shooters on roster alongside Jokic's presence.
Phoenix Suns/h>/H4>
The asset depletion makes trading nearly impossible despite speculation regarding possible moves involving Bill or butler due conflicting contracts which render swaps meaningless without violating stepien rule prohibiting consecutive year picks transactions from same franchise thus limiting options severely under current salary cap limits making package deals impractical at best!
No matter whether it's Spurs or Thunder neither organization needs make win-now type move pursuing aging star whose playing style requires ball dominant role hence may seem illogical considering future development timelines involved here rather than short term gains while possessing ample matching salaries plus upcoming drafts renders them capable contenders should circumstances arise warranting further exploration into acquiring talent like jimmy butler themselves instead.”/P